Benefits of Restful API in Web Development Over SOAP

Until not long ago, standard data transfer protocols offered great capabilities but were also difficult to handle. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) was a prime example. However, the use of a simpler alternative such as REST (Representational State Transfer) has grown exponentially. Nowadays, there are many applications and projects that use a REST API , and hundreds of companies that do business thanks to its features. This interface between systems using HTTP to receive data or perform operations over it in various formats (such as XML and JSON) allows for much faster handling. Nowadays, there are many applications and projects that use a REST API , and hundreds of companies that do business thanks to its features. It provides them with horizontal growth and they achieve a more efficient and logical API creation for Internet services. In SOAP, which uses XML data transfer, operations are defined as unidirectional WSDL ports, with many instances of the ...